Africa Welfare Association Africa Welfare Association Africa Welfare Association
+1 (202) 587-5639
Africa Welfare Association Africa Welfare Association Africa Welfare Association

AWA Benefits

Solutions For Diaspora

Granting You Peace of Mind

AWA was set up in response to the ever growing demand for services at a critical time. With trusted partners, AWA will offer you benefits wherever you are in the world.

Definition of welfare: Availability of resources and presence of conditions required for reasonably comfortable, healthy, and secure living.


See all the different ways AWA can help assist your family.


Learn how you can save by browsing discounts.

Initiate Repatriation

Please complete the required information here.
Repatriation And Associated Expenses

Schedule Of Benefits

In the event of a member’s death, AWA will facilitate the preparation and return of the deceased to their home.We can also arrange for local cremation or burial.

In the event of a member’s death, travel expenses for the enrolled spouse and enrolled dependent children will be covered.* See Terms & Conditions
All extra expenses incurred Will be covered in home country not to exceed $2,000 USD

Embalming and preparation of the deceased with assigned funeral home to facilitate international transportation.
We advise on all aspects of repatriation including matters related to local and international documentation and transportation requirements.
We will cover the costs associated with returning a member’s body back to their home country in the event of death. We can also arrange for a local cremation or burial.

We provide zinc-lined coffins and metal caskets conforming to international transportation regulations.
We offer transport assistance services to facilitate travel plans for the enrolled spouse and enrolled dependent children under 18 years to home country. * See Terms & Conditions

We offer the best price for you!

In the event of a member’s death, AWA will facilitate the preparation and return of the deceased to their home. We can also arrange for local cremation or burial.

Single Member (18-75 Years)


Member+Child(ren) (Dependent age limit 26 Years)


Member+Family (Dependent children age limit 26 years)


18-35 Years


36-45 Years


56-65 Years


66-70 Years


71-75 Years


76-80 Years


Featured On

For any inquiries please contact us.


1775 Eye St. NW Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20006


Phone: +1 (202) 587-5639
WhatsApp: +1 (202) 999-9175


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)